比如:java中开辟一个byte大小空间的值,相当于8位大小的空间,那么现在有1到8 之间的几个数字,就可以按数值大小映射到这个bit数组上。通过bit位上的值,我们就可以判断某个数是否出现过;
BitMap尤其在判断某个元素是否存在,或者统计出现的元素都很高效并且节省空间; 通常我们申请一块空间,然后把我们的目标元素映射到这块空间的bit位上,JDK为我们提供了一个便捷的工具类BitSet;
JDK BitSet
原理:BitSet内部申请的空间没有直接通过byte数组,而是通过long数组来存储,一个long相当于8个byte,代表64位空间,可以存储64个元素的有无; JDK解释用long数组来做存粹存粹是为了性能考虑;可能是考虑到缓存行的原因,防止伪共享;
BitSets are packed into arrays of "words." Currently a word is a long, which consists of 64 bits, requiring 6 address bits. The choice of word size is determined purely by performance concerns.
初始化大小 默认就一个long元素,逻辑如下:
private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6;private final static int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; //用来开辟bit位空间private long[] words;//当前long数组的大小private transient int wordsInUse = 0;public BitSet() { initWords(BITS_PER_WORD); sizeIsSticky = false;}private void initWords(int nbits) { words = new long[wordIndex(nbits-1) + 1];}private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) { return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;}
BitSet.set(int bitIndex) 设置index标识位;原理如下: public void set(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);
//bitIndex除去64(bitIndex >> 6 )得到会落到long数组的index; int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); //如果当然数组大小不够,进行二倍扩容; expandTo(wordIndex); // 对1移动bitIndex 效果是除位,只保留64位的有效值,如 1<<65 , // 1<<129 效果是一样的;落到同一word的bitIndex除位的个数是相同的,余下的位求和,放到word里; words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex); // Restores invariants checkInvariants();}
//long数组不够,进行二倍扩容; private void ensureCapacity(int wordsRequired) { if (words.length < wordsRequired) { // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size int request = Math.max(2 * words.length, wordsRequired); words = Arrays.copyOf(words, request); sizeIsSticky = false; }}
BitSet.get(int bitIndex) 判断该index是否已加入,原理和get相似,只不过最后一步是取并;
public boolean get(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); checkInvariants(); int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex); //set的区别是 这里是取并; return (wordIndex < wordsInUse) && ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0);}
public int cardinality() { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < wordsInUse; i++) //计算一个Long中用了几个bit; sum += Long.bitCount(words[i]); return sum;}
and(BitSet set) or(BitSet set) 比如and 可以用在统计几天用户是否连续登陆等,or可用在最近这几天登陆过的用户运算;